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# DSF_ExecOnMcode_Plugin


# Description

ExecOnMcode is a SBC plugin for DuetSoftwareFramework (opens new window) and based on dsf-python (opens new window) to run commands on user-defined M-Codes.

This plugin is based on the original idea from wilriker's execonmcode (opens new window).

It provides M1200 M-Code which is used to update the interception filters.

Others M-Codes and related commands can be added by editing the ExecOnMcode.json file located in System directory and then issuing M1200 (or restarting the plugin) to update the interception filters.

# Installation

  1. Go on the Plugins Tab of Duet Web Control.
  2. Select External plugins.
  3. Click on Upload System Files and select the plugin zip archive.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the plugin.
  5. Click on the Start button to start the plugin.
  6. ExecOnMcode entry should appears under the Settings tab of DWC.

# Limitations

As the plugin runs under dsf user on the system, the command you wish to run using ExecOnMcode should be allowed to be run from that user.

If for some reason you want to go beyond that limitation, create a 010_dsf-nopasswd file into /etc/sudoers.d/ with the following content : dsf ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
Then use sudo with the command you wish to run using ExecOnMcode.


  • πŸ”– Latest version: ⏳
  • πŸ“… Release date: ⏳
  • πŸ“† First release date: ⏳
  • ⬇️ Release downloads: ⏳
  • ⏬ Total downloads: ⏳
  • ⏬ Weekly downloads: 0
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